
Showing posts from November, 2017

Week of November 27th

Good Afternoon Pugh Tribe! Hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving Break! We have enjoyed our first day back to school. The students have been able to dive deeper into our study of fossils and explorers. They have been given their math homework for the week. Please let me know if you need another copy of the homework later this week. Each week the students are given 10 spelling words to practice and then they have an assessment Friday morning. The words for this week are: scrape, strange, spray, throw, shrink, squeeze, small, start, ten, today. Also, do not forget to log your student's reading each day in their agenda when you initial. Just a friendly reminder that Permission Slips and money for the field trip are due by Wednesday. We ask that you give as much of the $11 dollars as you can if not all please. If I do not have a permission slip for your student for this particular field trip, they will not be allowed to go with 3rd grade.  Thank you for signing your student'

Week of November 13th

Good Afternoon Pugh Tribe! We have an exciting week planned. The students received their math homework in their take home folder today. I have also attached it in case your student misplaces it. As usual, this homework will be due Friday morning. Do not forget to log your student's reading in their agenda each day. I have been impressed with the variety of books our class is reading! Our spelling words for the week are hawk, pause, almost, cough, brought, pick, seven, shall, show, six. The students will be assessed on their spelling of these words on Friday. This Wednesday and Thursday is Grandparent Lunch. Our lunch time for both days will be 11:42am -12:18pm. Following lunch, we will invite grandparents to the classroom to participate in our STEM activity for the week. Tomorrow, I will be taking the students to see the Scholastic Bookfair! This is a preview day for the students. The bookfair officially opens on Wednesday 8:00am-2:00pm and ends at noon on Friday. Thank you t

Monday Update November 6th!

Happy Monday! Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. As we go into this week, I wanted to remind you all that we will not have school tomorrow. With all of the things happening at the end of the day today, I forgot to pass out the math homework. Do not worry, they will get a printed copy on Wednesday but I have also attached it to the blog post.  Please make sure to be reading with them at home and logging it in their agenda each and every day. We will begin a new standard in math with patterns for addition and multiplication. Patterns for addition: Patterns for multiplication: An application went home with the students who were interested in applying for the Science Olympiad team. Mrs. Melton wanted me share these steps with you:       1.      3 – 5 th graders only, only eight 5 th graders on the team 2