
Showing posts from January, 2018

Week of January 29th

Good Evening Pugh Tribe! This week we will be focusing on fractions represented on a number line. I have attached a learnzillion video that will provide a few more examples that relate to the standard that is being taught. Here is the link: The spelling words for the week are:  who's, here's, where's, could've, I've, would've, should've, you'll, she's, there's.  Our spelling test will be on Friday morning so make sure your student is practicing these words and including the apostrophe. Homework packets were distributed today for students to bring home to show you their hard work. If you could please sign the packet and return to school that would be much appreciated. A highlight for the week, we will be having our Career Day activity on Friday afternoon. I encourage all students to wear their spirit wear on Friday. Ms. Nelson says that we will be sending home

January 22nd, 2018

Good Afternoon Pugh Tribe! I hope you all enjoyed your extended snow days. I know I am glad to be back in the school routines. This week we are learning more about unit fractions and equal parts. Here is a link to a learn zillion video on the standard that we are learning this week. Math homework was distributed today and it will be due Friday morning. The students will be assessed on the spelling words given last week this coming Thursday. Please make sure that they are practicing the correct spelling and saying the words as well. Students per usual are responsible for logging their 30 minutes of reading each night in their agenda. Please log the title of the book and how long they have read. Any amount of time is better than nothing! Due to the snow days, we are still finishing up our whole class science fair project. This is a class project and it will be at the Science Showcase t

January 4th, 2018!!!

Happy New Year Pugh Tribe! I hope everyone enjoyed the break and are ready for a great start to 2018. The students will be bringing home a math homework page build on the work that we did in class today on perimeter. The students will estimate the measurements first and find the estimated perimeter of each shape. The next step will be to line up the paper ruler and find the actual perimeter of the shapes. This front and back page will be due tomorrow to discuss as a class. Students will be given their report cards tomorrow to be brought home and signed. I ONLY need the report card envelope back. The report card is yours to keep at home. If your student returns the signed envelope by Tuesday, they will be given 5 Class Dojo points. If you have not already, please fill out the first page of your students agenda for inclement weather plan. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at: Best Wishes, Ms. Pugh